
It Takes a Team!
Since 2011, we, at Leadership Sculptor, have ramped up our business capacity for developing leaders

7 Success Tips for Communication
Since we influence people through our words or actions, our communication style plays a big

5 Myths about Self-Management
As life’s pace picks up remorselessly, clients are increasingly looking for ideas on how better

5 Essential Steps for Getting Your Team Moving
There is a lot of good literature on how to develop a high-performing team, e.g. The

“Social Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman became well-known through his book Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the mid 1990’s. There

Values and Health
Values represent deeply held beliefs and show facets of identity. It’s not possible not to

Shaping Leadership Growth Through Values
Leadership is rarely about having all the answers. Instead, it often comes down to the

The Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make Developing their People, Part 2
Mistake #6 Micro-management beats trust Some leaders unintentionally take a leaf from Lenin’s playbook (“trust

The Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make Developing their People, Part 1
Apart from the leaders who seem to think that ability is genetic or in-born, all