The Importance of Clear Values
Well selected, a team’s values improve cohesion and productivity. They guide our behaviour, so we
Values That Forge A Bond
Are values recognisable? Fortunately, yes. One helpful resource for making values visible is Ed Schein’s
The Advantage of Values for Your Team
Avoid the discrepancies in lived values in your team that lead to decreased cohesion and
My Rauhnächte Reflections
As the year draws to a close, I hope you’re looking forward to a break and
A Quick Tip on How to Shorten Your Meetings
Meetings take up a lot of the working day. Sometimes it feels like all of
How to Give Feedback
Giving feedback is a lot more challenging in practice than it seems. It requires attitude,
Why You Need to Pay Attention to Your Culture
Would you prefer to be breakfast, or to eat breakfast? As Peter Drucker put it,
A Reintroduction To Our Blog
Do you want to be the best leader you never had? Along with relaunching our
Delegate Tasks Effectively – a Quick Guide
You got to where you are because you’re excellent at what you do. Now you
Our Base, St. Anthony’s
The one thing CJ’s grandmothers could agree on — apart from how to make the
Making It Easier For Leaders in Research to Stay on Track
Finally! Here at Leadership Sculptor we are pleased to announce that our new website is
Gain Traction with a Strong Leadership Profile
A strong profile gives your leadership traction, and enables you to navigate the unique set